Am creat zambete impresionante pentru persoanele care au avut curaj sa faca o schimbare in viata lor!


Suntem specializati in reabilitarea totala a danturii si ne mandrim cu rezultate deosebite

+4 0746 700 500

Str. Radu Voda 17, Bucharest

Dr. Yazan Aq.

Behind every smile, there is a story!


In the before & after page, you can see some of the most recent transformations made by Dr. Yazan Aq. Patients choose us for the quality of services and for the safety they feel during treatment. We offer dental services at international standards and all patients are treated with priority.


Unele dintre cele mai importante vedete din Romania, au ales ca zambetul lor sa fie transformat de catre Dr. Yazan Aq. Adrian Mutu, Connect-R, Anca Serea, Oana Radu, Codin Maticiuc, Ramona Badulescu etc. sunt doar cateva nume importante din showbizul romanesc, care au pasit pragul clinicii.

Dr. Yazan Aq. Clinic

Address: Str. Barbu Vacarescu 313-315, 

sector 2 Bucuresti

share your smile with the world